Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Royale Decree™ #12

Dreaming Away Your Fat
Disclaimer: I am no expert, and some of my tip is experimental, but you are welcome to try it. Do not attempt this trick if you are allergic to water (sarcasm) or are unable to sweat. Actually, I know someone who can't sweat … however, water is still good for you. It may not work for everybody. I give this trick no guarantee of success, but it is worth trying. This trick can help you lose extra pounds of fat so long as you are eating right, not cheating on you plan, and exercising daily.

It is a scientific fact that when you lose weight, the lost fat or "burned" fat leaves the body in three ways: sweat, urine and vapor when you exhale carbon dioxide (http://science.howstuffworks.com/life/human-biology/lost-weight1.htm).

In the same way water turns into steam when you heat it up, your fat transforms into sweat, urine and vapor when you exhale carbon dioxide allowing it to leave the body (which is why it is good to stay hydrated with pure water and exercise often).

So here's the weird fat burning tip: I used to do this all the time when I was trying to burn fat in 2010-2011. I called it "dreaming away your fat." I would drink as much water as I could before I went to sleep each night. I made sure that I got 8 house of sleep and if I had to get up in the middle of the night to relieve myself of all that water I drank before bed, I made sure to drink as much water as I could before I went back to bed. This trick always helped me burn 0.5-1 or more pounds of fat (especially if I didn't cheat on my plan, ate right, and exercised during the day).

In addition to this trick, I sometimes wore as many clothes as I could before I went to bed so I could sweat in my sleep. This can be hard and uncomfortable to do. This trick always helped me burn ANOTHER 0.5-1 or more pounds of fat, in addition to the water trick.

So give it a whirl, you never know how much you can lose, in your dreams!
Photo by nkzs at http://www.sxc.hu/photo/966608

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