Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Chapter 10: Royale Meal Planner

The task of writing down everything you eat and drink can be daunting. In addition to logging your foods it becomes even more daunting to have to list all the Nutrition Facts about your food -- well sort of. What you list and what you don't list is COMPLETELY UP TO YOU. There is an easy online source for you to do it at http://www.fatsecret.com, which I found INCREDIBLY useful and easy to do. Plus it can go with you and your mobile devices.

However, if you want to do it the Diet Royale way (or as I like to say "The Queen's Way"), I've made you a planner you can easily fill out, save and print out to your heart's content. No membership required. No fees. It's completely free. All you need is a recent version of Acrobat (I think it is compatible with 7 and up), and time to think about what you are going to eat.

Download The Royale Meal Planner PDF here.

It looks something like this.
This is a sample of the planner. This is Day 03. This is not a perfect menu,
but it gives you an idea of how the tables work.

It Doesn't Have To Be Perfect
The sample menu is merely a sample of my Day 03. Word of caution, it doesn't have to be perfect. I found it was virtually impossible to have a perfect day. I tried many different ways to get a perfect day and I think I struck gold once meeting all my Magic Numbers. That was almost 2 years ago, and I don't know if I kept the formula. Plus, I recall it wasn't very satisfying.

You don't want to starve yourself. You don't want to punish yourself because Dinner may be a little bigger than Lunch. Simply do your best. The point is behind the planner is to get you to pay attention to the foods you eat and know how much of each nutritional value you are getting.

You will find it very hard to keep your Carbohydrates (Carbs) levels low, while keeping you Sodium level low too. I found the fewer the Carbs, the higher the Sodium is in some foods. Don't worry about it. Don't fuss over it. Just know it is going to happen. If I had to pick, I would choose lower Sodium.

Do I Have To Plan Every Day?
You can, but you don't have too. I would recommend doing this for a few months, until you have an idea of what to eat and not eat on your own. In 2010, I pretty much kept a daily log. There were days I forgot or days I didn't want to. There were days I was sometimes too busy. However, I found I was more successful about keeping on track if I made a daily meal plan.

A Word About Potassium
Like I mentioned in Chapter 3: The Full House and the Royale Flush, potassium is often not listed on Nutrition Facts, because it is not required by the FDA for food companies to list it. You are often times going to have to leave this field blank, do some research, or make an educated guess. That is all I can tell you. When I can't find potassium on a food, I sometimes put a standard 50 mgs for most foods that are healthy and organic. Junk food I just leave blank. These are places you can look online to find out how much potassium might be in your food:

So take it easy. The Royale Meal Planner is not the end-all-be-all of planners. It is simply a tool you can use to help you on your way. Good luck

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