Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Day 18: Focus on Change, Not the Results

What happened to day 7-17? Life.
I stayed with my program and I've lost 3 lbs. It's been hard to get back into the swing of things, but I think I've found my rhythm. I was going to do a safety edition of my daily posts, but I've decided it should be a Royale Decree™.

Anyhow, I am not here to talk about food or safety. I'm here to talk about challenges -- medical challenges to be more specific. I spoke of a challenge I would be facing this year and it is a medical one. I am having surgery on Monday, and though I am not concerned about the surgery itself, I am concerned about sitting around on my backside for a few days. Unlike a cold or the flu, I know this is coming, so I am going to have to prepare.

I want to be sure that I don't get up often on my recovery day and that all my food and drink are healthy and nutritious -- and easily accessible. I am doing this, because I know my surgery might affect my metabolism. I don't know if this is a biological fact, but it seems that everything I do affects my metabolism. So part of me wouldn't be surprised if surgery does … hold on let's see what the interwebs say … according to Toshiedar L at, my surgery will cause stress no matter what, emotional stress is what it sounds like. Toshiedar L suggests that I focus on keeping my vitamins and nutrients high and invest in things that decrease inflammation, speed wound healing and increase my immune system. Keep all my meals small but frequent.

Good advice for any diet, I imagine. So hopefully this small bump in the road won't make it harder to reach my goal. However a "goal" that focuses on just the results will distract me from what I really want, which is "change." I heard a quote the other day that I've thought about for days now:

"If you focus on results, you will never change. If you focus on change, you will get results."
–– Jack Dixon

So my new "goal" is the "change" I am going to to make for my body and my life. I want to change the way I eat, drink and live, so I can change into a healthier and leaner me with fewer health problems — and that's a good plan. Period.

Photo by miqueias at

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